Metric addressing provides logical & understandable system to identify geographical locations using a system of maps and signs assigning numbers or names of streets and houses/buildings.It is also an indispensable foundation for urban management. It is found on voter identification and social security cards in most of the cities. It provides an opportunity to create a map of the municipality, collects significant information about the city and its dwellers and set up a database.
Why Street addressing is important?
- Facilitates identification and location by means of a simple, easy, low cost, user friendly identification system.
- Assists emergency services (ambulances, fire station, police etc.)
- Helps several urban service delivery functions, taxis, mail delivery and home delivery of goods and services.
- Enable people to get around the city and find addresses quickly and more easily.
- It increases municipal revenues and improves urban management
- Tools for planning and managing municipal services by technical departments
- Identification of public assets (Street system facilitate their length, number and condition) allows a monitoring system
- Improve local tax collection such as house and land tax/property tax, business tax
Metric/Street Addressing System